Bro Con
March 4th, 2023
BRO CON Schedule
Donut eating contest
Pushup contest
Smash tourney
9:00 Arrival + Intro
9:30-11:00 Talk #1 +minigames
11:15-12:15 Breakouts (Three)
12:15-1:15 lunch
1:30-2:15 Breakouts (Three)
2:15-3:45 Talk #2 +minigames
3:45-5:00 Outdoor game
5:00 Dismiss to dinner
Main Speaker
Merle Shank: Immaturity to Maturity
1. Aubrey Spears- Attending and Finding a Church Community In and Out of College
2. Caleb Pearson- Christian Dating, Pure Pursuit
3. Johnny- Missional Engagement with non- Christian Friends
Immaturity to Maturity
Focusing on our hearts and minds.
Masculinity in the christian walk.
Focus on daily discipline, biblical literacy, sacrifice, and selflessness.
Standing in truth.
Soldiers for Christ
How to fight in this spiritual war, without anger or wrath.
How does God want us to fight?
Fighting without violence and standing in truth.
Old Testament character studies and Acts - addressing flesh and demons Humble servants of Christ