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We are

a community that builds strong disciples of Christ who engage in the world with the life, message, and worth of Jesus Christ at James Madison University.

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small groups

Small groups in InterVarsity are more than just Bible studies– they're witnessing communities for Christ.

With God at the center, a small group grows into an established community that delves into the values of the word, worship and witness.


Image by Austin Ban

A community within InterVarsity that studies, develops, and carries out core values of the chapter for both individual and kingdom purposes.  

Image by Priscilla Du Preez

Chapter gatherings with everything from furthering community to developing mature leaders, ultimately to grow deeper in our relationship with Christ!  

Image by Edwin Andrade
large group talks

That God’s Glory and Gospel would be seen, heard and responded to with gravity and gladness.



Meet Our Leaders

At InterVarsity we strongly believe in students leading other students. With that said, click here to find out more about what that looks like and how to be a part of what other students are doing too! 

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