Leadership lifestyle week 1
Time management and scheduling
Welcome to Leadership lifestyle! We are so excited to offer this resource to you. Below, you will be guided by videos and resources about developing general time management practices. At the end you will find a video explaining the next steps and directions to put these new skills into practice!
Let's get started!
Leadership Lifestyle: Tools for Success
Personal Relationship with Jesus
Daily Devotionals
Regular Church Attendance
Plan for Personal Growth*
*via personal disciplines, discipleship, involvement in various training events/conferences etc.
Personal Leadership
Prayer alone for small group
Personal Weekly Scheduling Time
Personal Weekly Planning Time
Lead Meetings & Retreats
Meetings with Small Group Coordinator
Co Leadership
Prayer together for Small Group
Combined Weekly Planning Time*
A Mature Working Relationship**
*if you are an UC SGL who doesn't have a Co, meet with a mature sgm or wise friend
**via open communication, respect, integrity, love, etc.
Small Group
Weekly Small Group Meeting
Doing life with SG Members
Discipling 1 or more SGM’s*
*don’t shy away from this for fear of favoritism, this is part of your role as a small group leader!
Chapter Programs (Large Group, H-Team events etc)
Lead Meetings (Coaching, interacting with, and being encouraged by other leaders)
Working Synergistically with other leaders outside of formal programs
Time management
Example Calendar
30 min planning for week
Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina
Meet up with SG member
Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina
Meet up with SG member
Discipleship of SGM
Personal planning & prayer time
Co-planning & prayer time
Lead Meeting (every other week)
Personal SG
Lead SG
Large Group
Hang out with SGM's
What to do this week:
Finish creating an online calendar (add classes etc)
Do these things before next Thursday:
Daily personal Lectio Divina
= Pick your own passage
Personal Sunday scheduling time (suggested 30 min)
= Set up any meetings/hangouts, schedule time to do homework and hang out etc
Personal planning time (before co-meeting) (suggested 1 hr):
= Pray for your future small group (see below for some examples)
Pray for a mature working co-relationship
Ask God to shepherd your future small group members’ college decisions and prepare their hearts for growth in college
Start praying that God would establish and direct the formation of your small group community in the fall
Ask God for wisdom on how to lead your peers
Ask God to help already-established small groups continually mature as they grow older instead of disengaging
= Brainstorm and write down 10 community-building activities that could be used to help foster belonging within their community & bring these to your co-meeting
Co-Meeting time* (suggested 1.5-2 hrs)
= Get to know each other more/Share Testimonies
= Share/boil down community building activities to 4 & bring these to next week’s Leadership Lifestyle Meeting
= Pray together for your future small group
*if you are leading by yourself, meet with a mentor or trusted member of the sg you will lead